
BeWell Chiropractic Clinic offers a variety of services in Oakland CA and San Francisco CA.
Laser Therapy
Laser Therapy is an excellent treatment that is often utilized to treat a wide array of conditions and pain. This therapy allows the body to naturally heal itself by utilizing a combination of electric stimulation and laser technology. This laser therapy consists of a light-emitting device that can be utilized on many different parts of the body.
In addition to simple back and neck pain, laser therapy has been utilized for a number of inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, tendonitis, and sprains. The number of conditions that have been notably increased in the usage of this therapy include carpal tunnel syndrome, wound management, shoulder and neck injuries, muscle and joint pain, as well as a long list of others.
Ultrasound is a therapy that is utilized in the clinic to handle injuries related to joints, muscle spasms, as well as most soft tissues. While it shares the same name, this ultrasound is not the same as the type of ultrasound utilized diagnostically to screen internally in the body. This ultrasound creates small sound waves that in effect vibrate and massage soft tissues and muscles. These sound waves do an excellent job of facilitating the body's healing process in addition to decreasing scar tissue formation.
Certain ultrasounds also create a heating effect to help relax the muscles or tightness in the body. This heat combined with the overall features of the ultrasound helps to start the healing process at the most basic cellular level speeding up your road to recovery.
Electrical Muscle Stimulation
Electrical Muscle Stimulation is an exceptional way to help the body in the healing process. This is accomplished by sending a very small electrical current into the affected soft tissue injury or muscle spasm. The therapy utilizes this current in an effort to help reduce swelling and release trigger points that may have the muscle locked up. It does this by helping the body to release natural relievers of pain often referred to as endorphins.
This is a great therapy if there is a spasm in a back or neck muscle. It works well in relaxing the muscle and allowing it to return to its normal state rather quickly. Short therapy sessions are excellent at facilitating healing from acute and chronic pain.
Interferential Electro-Therapy
Interferential Electro-Therapy is an excellent method of helping the body deal with spasms, sprains, and issues related to soft tissues. This therapy accomplishes this with a very low simulated frequency that is put on the soft tissue. The feeling of this therapy is very light and most patients feel very comfortable during the treatment.
In addition to this therapy simulating the body's natural healing method by helping it to produce natural pain-killing endorphins, it also helps with the release of these strains, spasms, and soft tissue issues.
Microcurrent Therapy
Microcurrent Therapy is an exceptional way to help heal the body, namely soft tissues. It is also an effective way to relieve pain within the body. The therapy utilizes very small amounts of current to produce signals that replicate those occurring in the body naturally. This current is very small and is almost unnoticeable to the patient.
This is a great therapy if there is a spasm in a back or neck muscle. It works well in relaxing the muscle and allowing it to return to its normal state rather quickly. Short therapy sessions are excellent at facilitating healing from acute and chronic pain.
Cryotherapy is an excellent way to help with muscle spasms in the body. This therapy is well known to help numb painful areas as well as provide a cooling relief to affected soft tissues. The therapy consists of applying cold compresses onto the skin to effectively reduce the temperature of the skin as well as constrict the blood vessels in the area.
If you are suffering from a muscle spasm or just recently had a soft tissue injury, cryotherapy is an excellent way to help reduce swelling and further injury in the early stages of your healing process. This therapy is rather inexpensive and is something that can be done at home as well as in the office.
Whole Body Vibration (WBV)
Whole body vibration (WBV) therapy is used by doctors, physical therapists, and wellness centers to treat chronic disease and other medical conditions such as Parkinson's Disease. Vibration therapy supports seniors' health and wellness through improved bone density and enhanced hormone levels. It's also a great addition to your cardiovascular workout, and ideal if you're just starting to exercise.
Vibration training was developed in the 1960s for Russian cosmonauts to prevent muscle atrophy and loss of bone density due to the lack of gravity in space. This proven technology is now used by elite athletes, those rehabilitating from an injury, physicians and physical therapists treating patients with chronic disease and other medical conditions, seniors seeking enhanced wellness, and those interested in expanding their exercise regiment to take advantage of the health benefits achieved by using whole body vibration therapy.
Health Benefits:
- Improved Muscle Strength
- Improved Flexibility and Joint Range of Motion
- Improved Balance and Mobility
- Increased Bone Density
- Improved Hormone Levels
There is also research showing that vibration technology can be overused if used too frequently or for too long during each session.
How It Works
Like many technologies created to solve problems in space, the solutions are rooted in simplicity and logic. When muscles and bones are used they get stronger. Whole body vibration is achieved by being on a platform that vibrates at a high frequency, causing your muscles to contract and stretch to maintain balance without your brain being actively involved. The rapid involuntary reflex intensifies even the simplest exercises. This fast repetition of your muscles reacting along with the controlled low impact to the bones creates growth and strength.
The primary use of a vibration trainer requires that you simply stand on the vibration platform in the proper position while the vibration plate moves. Duration and frequency are important elements to consider in using a vibration trainer. If you're physically fit, whole-body vibration exercise sessions should last no more than 15 minutes. If you're just beginning an exercise program, limit your time to 10 minutes per session. Whole body vibration therapy should be used 2-3 times a week to supplement your cardiovascular workouts, with adequate time in between sessions to recuperate.
Personal Injury
Personal injury is related to bodily harm that comes from being involved in any type of accident or mishap. The difference between personal injury and workers comp is that personal injury takes place outside of work. Chiropractors are professionals at uncovering underlying issues in personal injury accidents. Whether it be a single adjustment or a series of treatments, your chiropractor is one of the best options to get you healing on the right path and back to near perfect.
If you find yourself in a personal injury accident, make sure that you at least get a consultation with a chiropractor as you may have underlying issues that traditional medicine may have missed or took the wait-and-see approach on. Don't let your injury go unnoticed and cause major issues down the line.
Sports Injury
Professional sports figures are consistently reaching new heights in their professional careers. With each passing year, new records are shattered and the human body is pushed to its limits. Every day athletes follow suit by pushing themselves harder, choosing rigorous training patterns, and taking their diets to a new level. Despite the meticulous care and training that athletes take, they experience musculoskeletal injuries.
Chiropractors are to athletes, just as Cardiologists are to those who suffer from cardiovascular disease. Chiropractors have specific training in evaluating and treating the injuries and ailments of athletes. Chiropractors can treat an injured athlete more effectively than a medical doctor, who is not well-versed in sports injuries. In addition to treating athletic injuries, the chiropractor is skilled in aiding the athlete in injury prevention.
Athletes who receive treatment from a medical doctor find themselves frequently benched and on the sidelines. Others play and then spend hours after the game with ice packs and taking pain medication. Medical doctors do not treat the body as an integrated system but rather care for each injury individually.
It has been said that chiropractic care most closely relates to the needs of the athlete because special attention is given to the spine, joints, muscles, tendons, and nerves. Chiropractic ensures that all pieces of the musculoskeletal system are working in harmony and in their healthiest, most natural state.
Professional athletes see such a great value in chiropractic treatment that they regularly have chiropractic well visits to prevent injuries. If you are an athlete or weekend warrior, chiropractic care will enable you to reach peak performance, without breaking yourself.
Work Injury (Workers Compensation)
Chiropractic is an excellent means of dealing with workers' compensation issues. If there's an injury on the job and you've gone down the traditional medical road to be treated, it may be time to give chiropractic a try. Chiropractors are professionals at dealing with underlying issues that potentially could be missed by medical doctors. Locating the source of your injury could be the difference between fixing an issue and living with something for a long period of time.
In addition to being professionals at uncovering underlying issues, chiropractors handle the healing process without the need for addictive pain pills and potentially risky surgery. If you've been injured at work, make sure to go see a chiropractor for an initial consultation.